<<0>>>Проблема в том, что я не вижу никаких сообщений печати или журнала в моем views.py, что привело меня к выводу, что этот метод не вызывается.<<<1>>> &lt; <<0>>>Я хочу отменить подписку клиента с помощью кнопки и показать модальное окно …
<<0>>>В моем проекте django модели Form, FormSubmission, CmsEvent находятся в базе данных postgres, а модели CmsEventOrder, CmsEventPayment - в другой базе данных postgres.<<<1>>> &lt; <<0>>>Когда я создаю миграции, миграции создаются для всех моделей, в то время как они …
<<0>>>Я Kotlin разрабатываю Django приложение для android в <<<1>>> и пытаюсь сделать запрос к моему локальному <<<2>>> серверу, но получаю эту ошибку.<<<3>>> &lt; <<0>>>Локальный сервер запущен на IP и порту <<<1>>> и я указал в своем …
У меня есть сайт wagtail, и я хочу создать иерархию объектов по принципу «один к одному», но с несколькими вариантами. В принципе, я хочу, чтобы настройка базы данных выглядела следующим образом: CREATE TABLE products ( id PRIMARY KEY, product_type …
Я пытаюсь интегрировать аутентификацию Microsoft в мое приложение Django, используя пакет django_auth_adfs. Однако я столкнулся с ошибкой, связанной с несоответствием URI перенаправления. Я следовал документации, предоставленной django_auth_adfs для настройки интеграции Azure Active Directory. На портале Azure я …
Я разрабатываю небольшой проект, используя Django v5 и Bootstrap v5. На данном этапе я просто играю со страницами registration и login, но я хотел бы стилизовать форму, используя crispy-form и crispy FormHelper. Я могу изменить отображаемую метку, но (пока) …
Я пытаюсь реализовать в Django аутентификацию по электронной почте вместо использования имени пользователя по умолчанию. Я обновил модель пользователя и бэкенд аутентификации, но все еще не могу аутентифицировать пользователей по их адресам электронной почты. views.py from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponseRedirect …
Необходимо что бы во вкладке отображались данные по направлениям при написании {% if n.route == "ЦДНГ-2,ДНС-1,ЦДНГ-1,ДНС-1" %} условие не выполняется что я делаю не так <div class="panel_data"> <div class="tab"> {% …
I have a Django model Player. Now this model has a save method which goes like this: def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Overrides the save method to convert the 'name' attribute to uppercase before saving. """ player = Player.objects.filter( Q(fide_id=self.fide_id, …
So I've spent days searching on and off for an answer to this question, and much to my surprise, I can't seem to find anbyone asking this specific question, nor any mentions of the confusion I have around it. My …
Is there a way to inject a class into the <code> tag produced by wagtail-markdown so that I can style my Markdown code blocks with Prism instead of Pygments, which is …
In the UniqueConstraint for personality -> language, I'm getting the error FieldDoesNotExist For example, if my code looked like this: class LanguageModel(models.Model): language = models.CharField( max_length=16, default="en", ) class Meta: abstract = True class PersonModel(LanguageModel): created_at = models.DateTimeField(editable=False, …
This error keeps appearing, even though I have the add_user app installed in my directory and registered in the settings.py file.
I have a docker compose Django project that runs fine in a terminal on the server and I'm trying to set up PyCharm for development debugging. In my docker-compose.py I have a volume mapping the project root on the host …
I'm using Django Ninja Extra to write an API controller. Here is my code: @api_controller('', tags=['User'], auth=NOT_SET, permissions=[]) class User: @http_get('/user/colls', response=List[schemas.UserCollsOut], auth=JWTAuth()) @paginate(PageNumberPagination, page_size=10) def get_user_colls(self, request): data = userModels.UserCollection.objects.filter(user=request.auth) return data When I run this code, I …
I had my project set up on my local computer, and in the beginning, everything was working file. for past couple of days. my django ORM is not working properly it showing failed SQL error <img alt="this …
The file /var/log/nginx/error.log contains errors of the following type: [error] 714#714: *5 open() "/home/<user>/<projects>/static/css/custom.css" failed (13: Permission denied), client: ip, server: domain, request: "GET /static/css/custom.css HTTP/1.1", host: "domain", referrer: "http://domain/" The following settings are specified in the /etc/nginx/sites-available/<project> file: …
В файле /var/log/nginx/error.log ошибки следующего типа: [error] 714#714: *5 open() "/home/<user>/<projects>/static/css/custom.css" failed (13: Permission denied), client: ip, server: domain, request: "GET /static/css/custom.css HTTP/1.1", host: "domain", referrer: "http://domain/" В файле /etc/nginx/sites-available/<project> указаны следующие настройки: server { listen 80; server_name <domain>; …
I am making a documentation site to self-host for myself; learning Django at the same time. I am at the point where I am starting to populate the website. I am wondering if there is a possibility to have two …
How can I develop software that allows me to send bulk messages to customers via WhatsApp by importing a CSV file, using the official WhatsApp API, ensuring that my account remains active and does not get blocked? I need guidance …
Please elaborate it I tried learning it with some tutorials of youtube, but not clear like its enough or not. I currently worked on shells, migrations, authentication and everything I need to do. I wanna land a good job as …
I currently have a system where devices can be created and managed through the Device model directly. However, I want to change it so that devices can only be added or deleted through the Client model, and not directly through …
I built web with django, and hosted it in heroku. Now I am working for a bank and going to build dashboard, but I can not host it on heroku. It should be in the local server only as far …
Working in Django, I am trying to update the items of a database through submitting a form. I need a confirmation dialog before submission. These are my lines on related code: $(document).ready(function(){ setInterval(function(){ $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: '', success: function(response){ …
I am working on a webapp with django backend. It is related to image generation with character consistency, we finally have a model that works well for that, gemini 2.0 flash experimental. I am generating a character with openAI and …
I have a Django API which upon successful login, uses the Set-Cookie Response Headers to set a sessionId and CSRF Token in the cookies. I had it working and all of a sudden it stopped, the cookies no longer persist. …
Python==3.11.11 (server ver) Django==5.1.1 Hello, today I was to deploy my app on CPanel, and everything goes fine until the end, because when configurations are all done, the page put an 404 error: Not Found The requested URL was not …
I have a django app which consists of multiple different models. These models are related to each others with database relations. And somehow these relations are making a hierarchy. For example: Model City can have multiple Libraries Model Library can …
I've got an annotation for a foreign key field that I use frequently and would like to write a custom Django Transform which behaves similar to the annotation. The annotation that does what I would like is in this snippet: …
I'm working on a Django project with PostgreSQL and have implemented a custom filter to select "active" records. The filter is defined as follows: def get_custom_filter(qs): return qs.filter( Q( Q(timestamp_field__lte=timezone.now(), related_obj__delay__isnull=True) | Q( related_obj__delay__lte=timezone.now(), type_obj__flag=False, timestamp_field__isnull=False, ) | Q(type_obj__flag=True, timestamp_field__lte=timezone.now()) …
I can serve my django app running uwsgi --socket lhhs/lhhs.sock --module lhhs/lhhs.wsgi --chmod-socket=664 And the django app runs quick and running python manage.py test shows it is fine. But uisng nginx and uwsgi-emperor I get upstream prematurely closed connection while …
How can I configure a simple extraProvider for local media in my CKEDITOR_5_CONFIGS in the settings.py file? I tested the configuration below via javascript and it worked fine, but when I switched to python, I got the error Uncaught CKEditorError: …
I put the oracle db that I was currently developing with django and oracle into the db that impdp and distributed it. However, the distribution db has a different schema name from the development db, so it is not possible …
I'm deploying my django app for the very first time on railway. On railways in the project deployment details I see: enter image description here However when I go in the deploy logs I see this error …
I decided to revive my pet project that I wrote 2 years ago. First I had to update all dependencies, this is ok. But migrations are not performed when working with a local server. The pg_hba.conf file has md5. At …
Написал декоратор который будет регестрировать в переданный router Viewset def register(router, prefix, basename=None): def decorator(viewset): if not prefix: raise ValueError('Не указано имя Viewset') if not issubclass(viewset, viewsets.GenericViewSet): raise ValueError('Wrapped class must subclass GenericViewSet.') router.register(prefix, viewset, basename) return viewset return decorator …
I have the following webhook definition change_event_webhook = OpenApiWebhook( name="AddonWebhook", decorator=extend_schema( summary="A Webhook event", description="Pushes events to a notification URL. ", tags=["webhooks"], request={"application/json": load_schema("myschema.json")}, responses={ "2XX": OpenApiResponse("Event was received successfully"), }, ), ) which produces the following …
I am building an e-commerce website in Django where: A Product can have multiple variants. Each product has attributes (e.g., color, storage, display size). I want each variant to automatically inherit all attributes from the main product when it …
ProgrammingError at /routes/ column airline_app_route.route_id does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "airline_app_route"."route_id", "airline_app_route"."... ^ Request Method: GET Request URL: Django Version: 5.1.7 Exception Type: ProgrammingError Exception Value: column airline_app_route.route_id does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "airline_app_route"."route_id", …
I'm on a very slow internet connection, and the RUN pip install -r requirements.txt step of docker compose up --build keeps timing out halfway through. When I run docker compose up --build again, it looks like it restarts from …