Сигналы django pre_save не обновляются

Последняя строка теста внизу не работает. Я попытался сократить код до самых необходимых частей. Объяснение находится в комментариях к коду.

class Concept(model.Model):
    is_deprecated= Boolean(default=False)

class Tag(model.Model):
    concept_tags = ManyToManyField(Concepts, ...)
    is_deprecated= Boolean(default=False)

class StatusInfo(model.Model):
    """the important thing is the pre_save signal"""
    status = ''
    affected_tag = ForeignKey(Tag, ...)
@receiver(pre_save, sender=StatusInfo)
def status_change_modification(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
    if instance.status == "d":  # d for deprecated
        instance.affected_tag.is_deprecated = True # works
        c_tags = instance.affected_tag.concept_tags.all()
        print(f"{c_tags = }")  # when I run the test below this shows that I have included self.concept_with_deprecated_tag
        c_tags.update(is_deprecated=True)  # doesn't seem to work but I don't want to trigger a save() on concepts (referenced through concept_tags) because concepts has it's own signals that will trigger.

##### in the tests/status_info.py #######
def test_status_set_tag_info_deprecated(self):
    if you add the statusInfo to a tag it will set the tag
    and related concepts to is_deprecated == True
    self.concept_with_deprecated_tag.is_deprecated = False  # set temporarily for the test
    self.main_status_info = StatusInfoFactory(
    self.assertTrue(self.concept_with_deprecated_tag.is_deprecated) # this is one concept from the list and it fails to be changed.
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