
Prefork execution pool.

Pool implementation using multiprocessing.

class celery.concurrency.prefork.TaskPool(limit=None, putlocks=True, forking_enable=True, callbacks_propagate=(), app=None, **options)[исходный код]

Multiprocessing Pool implementation.


alias of Pool


alias of AsynPool

did_start_ok()[исходный код]
property num_processes
on_close()[исходный код]
on_start()[исходный код]
on_stop()[исходный код]

Gracefully stop the pool.

on_terminate()[исходный код]

Force terminate the pool.

register_with_event_loop(loop)[исходный код]
restart()[исходный код]
uses_semaphore = True

only used by multiprocessing pool

write_stats = None
celery.concurrency.prefork.process_destructor(pid, exitcode)[исходный код]

Pool child process destructor.

Dispatch the worker_process_shutdown signal.

celery.concurrency.prefork.process_initializer(app, hostname)[исходный код]

Pool child process initializer.

Initialize the child pool process to ensure the correct app instance is used and things like logging works.

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