
Redis result store backend.

class celery.backends.redis.RedisBackend(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None, max_connections=None, url=None, connection_pool=None, **kwargs)[исходный код]

Redis task result store.

It makes use of the following commands: GET, MGET, DEL, INCRBY, EXPIRE, SET, SETEX

property ConnectionPool
class ResultConsumer(*args, **kwargs)
on_state_change(meta, message)
on_wait_for_pending(result, **kwargs)
start(initial_task_id, **kwargs)
add_to_chord(group_id, result)[исходный код]
apply_chord(header_result_args, body, **kwargs)[исходный код]
property client

alias of SSLConnection

delete(key)[исходный код]
ensure(fun, args, **policy)[исходный код]
expire(key, value)[исходный код]
forget(task_id)[исходный код]
get(key)[исходный код]
incr(key)[исходный код]
max_connections = None

Maximum number of connections in the pool.

mget(keys)[исходный код]
on_chord_part_return(request, state, result, propagate=None, **kwargs)[исходный код]
on_connection_error(max_retries, exc, intervals, retries)[исходный код]
on_task_call(producer, task_id)[исходный код]
redis = <module 'redis' from '/home/gruy/projects/django.fun/django.fun/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/__init__.py'>

redis client module.

property retry_policy

dict() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object’s

(key, value) pairs

dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via:

d = {} for k, v in iterable:

d[k] = v

dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs

in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

set(key, value, **retry_policy)[исходный код]
set_chord_size(group_id, chord_size)[исходный код]
supports_autoexpire = True

If true the backend must automatically expire results. The daily backend_cleanup periodic task won’t be triggered in this case.

supports_native_join = True

If true the backend must implement get_many().

class celery.backends.redis.SentinelBackend(*args, **kwargs)[исходный код]

Redis sentinel task result store.

as_uri(include_password=False)[исходный код]

Return the server addresses as URIs, sanitizing the password or not.


alias of SentinelManagedSSLConnection

sentinel = <module 'redis.sentinel' from '/home/gruy/projects/django.fun/django.fun/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/sentinel.py'>
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