
Reddit implements OAuth2 authentication workflow. To enable it, just follow:

  • Register an application at Reddit Preferences Apps

  • Fill the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values in your settings:

  • By default the token is not permanent, it will last an hour. To get a refresh token just define:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_REDDIT_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {'duration': 'permanent'}

    This will store the refresh_token in UserSocialAuth.extra_data attribute, to refresh the access token just do:

    from social_django.utils import load_strategy
    strategy = load_strategy(backend='reddit')
    user = User.objects.get(pk=foo)
    social = user.social_auth.filter(provider='reddit')[0]

    Reddit requires redirect_uri when refreshing the token and it must be the same value used during the auth process.

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