ORCID uses OAuth 2 for authentication.

  • Register an ORCID account, go to Developer tools, enable the public API, create a new application, set the redirect URI to http://example.com/complete/orcid/ replacing example.com with your domain.

  • Fill the Client ID and Client secret values from the app details in Developer tools (you might need to press “Show details”) in the settings:


Member API

You can subscribe to gain access to an API with extended capabilities. Use 'social_core.backends.orcid.ORCIDMemberOAuth2' class in your SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.


ORCID supports a sandbox mode for testing, there’s a custom backend for it which name is orcid-sandbox instead of orcid. Same settings apply but use these instead:


Sandbox is also available for Member API. You will have to register for with ORCID it separately.

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