Redis result store backend.
- class celery.backends.redis.RedisBackend(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None, max_connections=None, url=None, connection_pool=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Redis task result store.
It makes use of the following commands: GET, MGET, DEL, INCRBY, EXPIRE, SET, SETEX
- property ConnectionPool¶
- class ResultConsumer(*args, **kwargs)¶
- cancel_for(task_id)¶
- consume_from(task_id)¶
- drain_events(timeout=None)¶
- on_after_fork()¶
- on_state_change(meta, message)¶
- on_wait_for_pending(result, **kwargs)¶
- reconnect_on_error()¶
- start(initial_task_id, **kwargs)¶
- stop()¶
- client¶
- connection_class_ssl = None¶
- max_connections = None¶
Maximum number of connections in the pool.
- retry_policy¶
- supports_autoexpire = True¶
If true the backend must automatically expire results. The daily backend_cleanup periodic task won’t be triggered in this case.
- supports_native_join = True¶
If true the backend must implement