Как интегрировать криптовалюту Tron (TRX) в python? Я запутался в их коде, может кто-нибудь поможет мне понять их код?

import requests

url = "https://api.trongrid.io/wallet/createtransaction"

payload = "{\n    \"to_address\": \"41e9d79cc47518930bc322d9bf7cddd260a0260a8d\",\n    \"owner_address\": \"41D1E7A6BC354106CB410E65FF8B181C600FF14292\",\n    \"amount\": 1000\n}"
headers = {
    'Content-Type': "application/json",
    'TRON-PRO-API-KEY': "25f66928-0b70-48cd-9ac6-da6f5465447c663"
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)

Я создаю приложение на основе django, где я буду принимать платежи в Tron Мое сомнение в том, что

  1. Do I have to keep "to_address"\ and "Owner Address"\ in code
  2. Where to pass Owners address and Clients address [as they have specified in the code Owner_address but to_address means we are paying "to" (someone) so I am not sure where to pass which address.] so where to pass owner's address as it is written in code but their is also to_address so I am confused with to_address and owner_address please help me to understand this, Thank you.
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