Индекс модулей


  • __future__
    Future statement definitions
  • __main__
    The environment where top-level code is run. Covers command-line interfaces, import-time behavior, and ``__name__ == '__main__'``.
  • _thread
    Low-level threading API.


  • abc
    Abstract base classes according to :pep:`3119`.
  • aifc
    Read and write audio files in AIFF or AIFC format.
  • argparse
    Command-line option and argument parsing library.
  • array
    Space efficient arrays of uniformly typed numeric values.
  • ast
    Abstract Syntax Tree classes and manipulation.
  • asynchat
    Support for asynchronous command/response protocols.
  • asyncio
    Asynchronous I/O.
  • asyncore
    A base class for developing asynchronous socket handling services.
  • atexit
    Register and execute cleanup functions.
  • audioop
    Manipulate raw audio data.


  • base64
    RFC 4648: Base16, Base32, Base64 Data Encodings; Base85 and Ascii85
  • bdb
    Debugger framework.
  • binascii
    Tools for converting between binary and various ASCII-encoded binary representations.
  • binhex
    Encode and decode files in binhex4 format.
  • bisect
    Array bisection algorithms for binary searching.
  • builtins
    The module that provides the built-in namespace.
  • bz2
    Interfaces for bzip2 compression and decompression.


  • calendar
    Functions for working with calendars, including some emulation of the Unix cal program.
  • cgi
    Helpers for running Python scripts via the Common Gateway Interface.
  • cgitb
    Configurable traceback handler for CGI scripts.
  • chunk
    Module to read IFF chunks.
  • cmath
    Mathematical functions for complex numbers.
  • cmd
    Build line-oriented command interpreters.
  • code
    Facilities to implement read-eval-print loops.
  • codecs
    Encode and decode data and streams.
  • codeop
    Compile (possibly incomplete) Python code.
  • collections
    Container datatypes
  • collections.abc
    Abstract base classes for containers
  • colorsys
    Conversion functions between RGB and other color systems.
  • compileall
    Tools for byte-compiling all Python source files in a directory tree.
  • concurrent.futures
    Execute computations concurrently using threads or processes.
  • configparser
    Configuration file parser.
  • contextlib
    Utilities for with-statement contexts.
  • contextvars
    Context Variables
  • copy
    Shallow and deep copy operations.
  • copyreg
    Register pickle support functions.
  • cProfile
  • crypt
    The crypt() function used to check Unix passwords.
  • csv
    Write and read tabular data to and from delimited files.
  • ctypes
    A foreign function library for Python.
  • curses
    An interface to the curses library, providing portable terminal handling.
  • curses.ascii
    Constants and set-membership functions for ASCII characters.
  • curses.panel
    A panel stack extension that adds depth to curses windows.
  • curses.textpad
    Emacs-like input editing in a curses window.




  • faulthandler
    Dump the Python traceback.
  • fcntl
    The fcntl() and ioctl() system calls.
  • filecmp
    Compare files efficiently.
  • fileinput
    Loop over standard input or a list of files.
  • fnmatch
    Unix shell style filename pattern matching.
  • fractions
    Rational numbers.
  • ftplib
    FTP protocol client (requires sockets).
  • functools
    Higher-order functions and operations on callable objects.


  • gc
    Interface to the cycle-detecting garbage collector.
  • getopt
    Portable parser for command line options; support both short and long option names.
  • getpass
    Portable reading of passwords and retrieval of the userid.
  • gettext
    Multilingual internationalization services.
  • glob
    Unix shell style pathname pattern expansion.
  • graphlib
    Functionality to operate with graph-like structures
  • grp
    The group database (getgrnam() and friends).
  • gzip
    Interfaces for gzip compression and decompression using file objects.


  • hashlib
    Secure hash and message digest algorithms.
  • heapq
    Heap queue algorithm (a.k.a. priority queue).
  • hmac
    Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication (HMAC) implementation
  • html
    Helpers for manipulating HTML.
  • html.entities
    Definitions of HTML general entities.
  • html.parser
    A simple parser that can handle HTML and XHTML.
  • http
    HTTP status codes and messages
  • http.client
    HTTP and HTTPS protocol client (requires sockets).
  • http.cookiejar
    Classes for automatic handling of HTTP cookies.
  • http.cookies
    Support for HTTP state management (cookies).
  • http.server
    HTTP server and request handlers.


  • idlelib
    Implementation package for the IDLE shell/editor.
  • imaplib
    IMAP4 protocol client (requires sockets).
  • imghdr
    Determine the type of image contained in a file or byte stream.
  • imp
    Access the implementation of the import statement.
  • importlib
    The implementation of the import machinery.
  • importlib.abc
    Abstract base classes related to import
  • importlib.machinery
    Importers and path hooks
  • importlib.metadata
    The implementation of the importlib metadata.
  • importlib.resources
    Package resource reading, opening, and access
  • importlib.util
    Utility code for importers
  • inspect
    Extract information and source code from live objects.
  • io
    Core tools for working with streams.
  • ipaddress
    IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library.
  • itertools
    Functions creating iterators for efficient looping.


  • json
    Encode and decode the JSON format.
  • json.tool
    A command line to validate and pretty-print JSON.


  • keyword
    Test whether a string is a keyword in Python.


  • lib2to3
    The 2to3 library
  • linecache
    Provides random access to individual lines from text files.
  • locale
    Internationalization services.
  • logging
    Flexible event logging system for applications.
  • logging.config
    Configuration of the logging module.
  • logging.handlers
    Handlers for the logging module.
  • lzma
    A Python wrapper for the liblzma compression library.



  • netrc
    Loading of .netrc files.
  • nis
    Interface to Sun's NIS (Yellow Pages) library.
  • nntplib
    NNTP protocol client (requires sockets).
  • numbers
    Numeric abstract base classes (Complex, Real, Integral, etc.).


  • operator
    Functions corresponding to the standard operators.
  • optparse
    Command-line option parsing library.
  • os
    Miscellaneous operating system interfaces.
  • os.path
    Operations on pathnames.
  • ossaudiodev
    Access to OSS-compatible audio devices.


  • pathlib
    Object-oriented filesystem paths
  • pdb
    The Python debugger for interactive interpreters.
  • pickle
    Convert Python objects to streams of bytes and back.
  • pickletools
    Contains extensive comments about the pickle protocols and pickle-machine opcodes, as well as some useful functions.
  • pipes
    A Python interface to Unix shell pipelines.
  • pkgutil
    Utilities for the import system.
  • platform
    Retrieves as much platform identifying data as possible.
  • plistlib
    Generate and parse Apple plist files.
  • poplib
    POP3 protocol client (requires sockets).
  • posix
    The most common POSIX system calls (normally used via module os).
  • pprint
    Data pretty printer.
  • profile
    Python source profiler.
  • pstats
    Statistics object for use with the profiler.
  • pty
    Pseudo-Terminal Handling for Unix.
  • pwd
    The password database (getpwnam() and friends).
  • py_compile
    Generate byte-code files from Python source files.
  • pyclbr
    Supports information extraction for a Python module browser.
  • pydoc
    Documentation generator and online help system.


  • queue
    A synchronized queue class.
  • quopri
    Encode and decode files using the MIME quoted-printable encoding.


  • random
    Generate pseudo-random numbers with various common distributions.
  • re
    Regular expression operations.
  • readline
    GNU readline support for Python.
  • reprlib
    Alternate repr() implementation with size limits.
  • resource
    An interface to provide resource usage information on the current process.
  • rlcompleter
    Python identifier completion, suitable for the GNU readline library.
  • runpy
    Locate and run Python modules without importing them first.


  • sched
    General purpose event scheduler.
  • secrets
    Generate secure random numbers for managing secrets.
  • select
    Wait for I/O completion on multiple streams.
  • selectors
    High-level I/O multiplexing.
  • shelve
    Python object persistence.
  • shlex
    Simple lexical analysis for Unix shell-like languages.
  • shutil
    High-level file operations, including copying.
  • signal
    Set handlers for asynchronous events.
  • site
    Module responsible for site-specific configuration.
  • smtpd
    A SMTP server implementation in Python.
  • smtplib
    SMTP protocol client (requires sockets).
  • sndhdr
    Determine type of a sound file.
  • socket
    Low-level networking interface.
  • socketserver
    A framework for network servers.
  • spwd
    The shadow password database (getspnam() and friends).
  • sqlite3
    A DB-API 2.0 implementation using SQLite 3.x.
  • ssl
    TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects
  • stat
    Utilities for interpreting the results of os.stat(), os.lstat() and os.fstat().
  • statistics
    Mathematical statistics functions
  • string
    Common string operations.
  • stringprep
    String preparation, as per RFC 3453
  • struct
    Interpret bytes as packed binary data.
  • subprocess
    Subprocess management.
  • sunau
    Provide an interface to the Sun AU sound format.
  • symtable
    Interface to the compiler's internal symbol tables.
  • sys
    Access system-specific parameters and functions.
  • sysconfig
    Python's configuration information
  • syslog
    An interface to the Unix syslog library routines.




  • venv
    Creation of virtual environments.




  • zipapp
    Manage executable Python zip archives
  • zipfile
    Read and write ZIP-format archive files.
  • zipimport
    Support for importing Python modules from ZIP archives.
  • zlib
    Low-level interface to compression and decompression routines compatible with gzip.
  • zoneinfo
    IANA time zone support
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