PYODBC Множественные курсоры

Надеюсь, у тебя все хорошо

Я пишу приложение django на py3.9.1 и хочу выполнить несколько курсоров на сервере mssql.

Вот мое подключение к базе данных mssql

conn = pypyodbc.connect("....")

cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor1 = conn.cursor()

Вот мой

@allowed_users(allowed_permissions=["Management Perm","Boss Perm","Account Perm"])
def bills(request):
    keyword = request.GET.get("keyword")
    header = "Faturalar | Mavis Development"
    company = UserCompany.objects.filter(user = request.user).values_list("company__company",flat=True)[0]
    role = request.user.groups.all()[0].name
    if keyword:
        bills_for_acc = cursor.execute("Select * From bills where mancheck = 0 and acccheck = 0 and company = ? and title = ? order by created_date",(company,keyword,))
        bills_for_man = cursor1.execute("Select * From bills where mancheck = 0 and acccheck = 1 and company = ? and title = ? order by last_checked_date",(company,keyword))
        content = {
        return render(request,"bills.html",content)
    bills_for_acc = cursor.execute("Select * From bills where (acccheck = 0 and mancheck = 0) and company = ? order by created_date",(company,))
    bills_for_man = cursor1.execute("Select * From bills where (mancheck = 0 and acccheck = 1) and company = ? order by last_checked_date",(company,))
    content = {
    return render(request,"bills.html",content)

Когда я пытаюсь показать bills.html, я получаю '('HY000', '[HY000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]'Connection is busy with results for another hstmt'')

С другой стороны, когда я выполняю 2 разных оператора на одном курсоре

bills_for_acc = cursor.execute("Select * From bills where (acccheck = 0 and mancheck = 0) and company = ? order by created_date",(company,))
bills_for_man = cursor.execute("Select * From bills where (mancheck = 0 and acccheck = 1) and company = ? order by last_checked_date",(company,))

Результат этих переменных будет одинаковым

Мой вопрос в том, как я могу выполнить несколько курсоров

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