Is there any way to serve a Django application using preload, ASGI, and SO_REUSEPORT?
I can't find a way to serve our large Django application using all three of preload, ASGI, and SO_REUSEPORT
Without preload and fork we use much more memory (gigabytes).
Without ASGI we can't serve websockets (and starting another server just for websockets would violate our memory constraints).
we can run multiple preloaded/forked workers but traffic biases heavily (70%) to one worker, negating much of the benefit.
We currently use gunicorn + uvicorn workers to achieve preload + ASGI. Gunicorn has an unreleased reuse_port
mode that doesn't seem to do anything when using gunicorn + uvicorn.
We looked at using granian or uvicorn itself as the process manager, but neither support preload/fork and so won't work due to our memory constraints.