Django-allauth stuck on signup and headless=True confusion

I'm trying to setup django-allauth app to be used for authentication by a front end react app and a mobile app. There are some inconsistencies which most likely are just down to me not figuring out something. But ton's of googling and AI ain't helping.

I've done the setup (several times) as per the tutorial and using postman and I'm able to call /auth/login successfully for a user that had been created using createsuperuser

My confusion/uncertainty starts when I try signup a new user via /auth/signup. It is "sort off" successful. I say sort of because the user does get created in the DB but I do not receive the email asking the user to Confirm Their Email.

When I however try register the same email/user again, I now get an email saying [] Account Already Exists. So I do know email delivery (using mailhog) is working.

Here are my allaluth settings:

ACCOUNT_SIGNUP_FIELDS = ["email*", "password1*",]
ACCOUNT_SIGNUP_FORM_CLASS = "authy.forms.CustomSignupForm"
ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = "mandatory"  # Ensures users must verify their email

I have the signup form as below:

class CustomSignupForm(forms.Form):
    email = forms.CharField(required=True, label="Email Address")
    mobile_number = forms.CharField(max_length=20, required=True, label="Mobile Number")
    first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=50, required=True, label="First Name")
    last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=50, required=True, label="Last Name")

    def signup(self, request, user):
        """This method is automatically called by AllAuth after signup.
        user.mobile_number = self.cleaned_data["mobile_number"]


The scenario described above is when I have headless = False.

Given that I'm building a Django API to be used by a react front end, I assumed that I need to set headless = True. If I do that however, I find that the first time I create user through auth/signup, I get a 401 and the details below. I still DON'T get an email.

    "status": 401,
    "data": {
        "flows": [
                "id": "login"
                "id": "signup"
    "meta": {
        "is_authenticated": false,
        "session_token": "m18gi8fso3hj75l7ogrhv47bn45jqcap"

If I attempt to register the same details again, I get an error stating Reverse for 'account_signup' not found. 'account_signup' is not a valid view function or pattern name. Googling that error shows it's because I don't have path("accounts/", include("allauth.urls")), in the But my understanding is that with headless, this URLs are not expected?

I also notice that when the user signs up, all fields in the form are automatically saved apart from mobile_number. This is why I have to explicitly assign it to the user instance and save (update). What I'm I missing there?

To summarize my misunderstanding:

  1. User gets created but email not being sent. Yet when I send that payload again, I am able to receive an email? Is there some setting that I haven't turned on?
  2. Why do I get the error about account_signup not found yet when I set headless = True those APIs don't even show up when I do python show_url (using djang-extensions)? Some thread/issue/reddit/ai seemed to state that when using headless = True we cannot take advantage of the automatic emailing and other such features. That we have to build that on our own? I doubt that but hence the reason for this question here.
  3. Why is it that mobile_number isn't auto saved like all other fields? Should I even be using a custom form when headless = True or I have to build all my APIs using DRF Views and Serialilzers?. Note that mobile_number is a field in an existing custom user model
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