Twilio TTS Mispronounces "Aradhya" – How to Fix It?

I’m using Twilio's text-to-speech (TTS) in a Django view to read out a message before connecting a call. However, Twilio mispronounces the name "Aradhya", and I’m looking for a way to fix it.


Twilio reads "Aradhya" incorrectly, and I want it to sound like "Uh-raa-dhyaa" (अाराध्य in Hindi).

Code (Simplified Version):

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse

def connect_call(request):  
    response = VoiceResponse()  
    customer_name = "John Doe"  # Example; this is fetched dynamically in actual code
    response.say(f"Hello {customer_name}, I am Aradhya. Please hold while we connect you.")
    response.dial("+919836731154")  # Connect call

    return HttpResponse(str(response), content_type="application/xml")

What I Tried:

  1. Changing the spelling (e.g., "Aaraadhyaa", "Aradyaa") → No improvement.
  2. Using SSML <phoneme> tag:
            I am <phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="əˈrɑːðjə">Aradhya</phoneme>.
    Issue: Twilio still mispronounces it.
  3. Adding pauses with <break>:
    <Say>Hello, I am <break time="200ms"/> Aaraadhyaa.</Say>
    Issue: Slight improvement, but not perfect.
  4. Using Twilio Neural Voices (Amazon Polly):
        <Say voice="Polly.Aditi">Hello, I am Aradhya.</Say>
    Issue: Not all Twilio accounts support Polly voices.


How can I get Twilio TTS to pronounce "Aradhya" correctly without using pre-recorded audio?

Any help would be appreciated!

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