Heroku installs extra Python package

I have a Python/Django app which uses Pipfile and Pipfile.lock running on Heroku-22 stack with classic buildpacks.

requirements.txt is not part of the code base, thus e.g. Heroku: ModuleNotFoundError :No module named 'requests' and similar issues are not relevant.

Pipfile and Pipfile.lock contain psycopg2 (not psycopg2-binary). Testing env has expected packages installed, however, production env has an extra package, psycopg, installed.

$ heroku run bash -a my-app-production
~ $ pip freeze | grep -i psyco


$ heroku run bash -a my-app-testing
~ $ pip freeze | grep -i psyco

Testing and production envs are the same with one exception - server side Pgbouncer runs on production. Pgbouncer (https://github.com/pgbouncer/pgbouncer) lists psycopg as one of its dependencies. Though according to Heroku' docs, Pgbouncer's connection pool exists on the database server, not on app' dyno.

Also, installing app' dependencies locally in a Docker container with pipenv install --deploy works as expected.

Any idea where is this extra psycopg package coming from? Is it installed because of Pgbouncer (unlikely, in my opinion)?

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