How to Prevent Screenshots and Screen Recording on a Payment Page (Django + Stripe Checkout)
I am working on a Django-based e-commerce website with Stripe Checkout for payments. I want to prevent users from taking screenshots or recording their screen on the payment page.
** What I Am Doing**
- Users are redirected to Stripe Checkout via a Django view:
def checkout(request): session = stripe.checkout.Session.create( payment_method_types=['card'], line_items=[{"price_data": {...}, "quantity": 1}], mode='payment', success_url="", cancel_url="", ) return redirect(session.url)
- The checkout URL looks like:
** What I Want to Achieve**
Block screenshots (PrtSc, Snipping Tool, etc.)
Prevent screen recording software
Stop screen-sharing via Zoom, Google Meet, etc.
** My Questions**
- How can I prevent screenshots and screen recording?
- Is this possible in a web browser, or only in mobile apps?
- What is the most secure way to implement this?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!