How do I only query paginated data in django?
I have successfully paginated when returning all the objects but however, when I query the return for the searched result, it initially gets the correct pagination number of page. But clicking on any of the paginated searched result will immediately return the pagination of all the objects.
My HTML pagination
<ul class="pagination center" id="pagination" hx-swap-oob="true">
{% if data.has_previous %}
<li class="waves-effect">
<a href="?page={{ data.previous_page_number }}"><i class="material-icons"><</i></a>
{% endif %} {% for page in data.paginator.page_range %} {% if page == data.number %}
<li class="active purple lighten-2"><a href="?page={{ page }}">{{page}}</a></li>
{% else %}
<li class="waves-effect"><a href="?page={{ page }}">{{page}}</a></li>
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if data.has_next %}
<li class="waves-effect">
<a href="?page={{data.next_page_number}}"><i class="material-icons">></i></a>
{% endif %}
paginate function and, when i use AI, it shows me to change the html code, but i cannot understand it and i've spent hours to find something that mentions this very well and haven't found one
def paginate(data, request):
paginator = Paginator(data, 10)
page_number = request.GET.get('page')
data = paginator.get_page(page_number)
return data
def submission_portal(request):
data = DataEntry.objects.all()
data = paginate(data=data, request=request)
text_count = DataEntry.objects.filter(category='text').count()
image_url_count = DataEntry.objects.filter(category='image_url').count()
context = {
'data': data,
'text_count': text_count,
'image_url_count': image_url_count
return render(request, 'submission_portal/submission_page.html', context=context)
# Read
# Search Bar Handler
def form_search(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
data = DataEntry.objects.filter(content__contains=request.POST.get('search'))
data = paginate(data=data, request=request)
context = {
'data': data
return render(request, 'submission_portal/components/pagination.html', context=context)