How to set the media path to root media folder in Django?
I have a media folder outside the APP, in the project folder (to share media with other apps).
I'm getting error:
"GET /soupiska/pic/hraci/download_6BVC8qn.jpeg HTTP/1.1" 404 2971
but "soupiska" is the APP folder.
The path saved in the database is: pic/hraci/download_6BVC8qn.jpeg
And includes:
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media/')
The reason for this behavior is, that I'm in APP URL:
How to set up Django, to set the media path to a folder in the project folder, even I'm in the APP URL?
Instead of GET /soupiska/pic/hraci/download_6BVC8qn.jpeg
Try GET /pic/hraci/download_6BVC8qn.jpeg
Note: The media files are served independently of the APP Folder.
If you want to strictly use /soupiska
in the beginning, then you have to add folder soupiska
inside the media
folder and add logic to save to that folder inside when media is being saved (mostly in
To use an Image
in a Template
, you need the absolute public path to the Image
which you can get via the url
[] attribute of the Image
. Change this line:
th><img src="{{ hrac.fotka }}"" /></th></code></pre>
<th><img src="{{ hrac.fotka.url }}" /></th>