How can i get the id from request body in django
def index(request):
form = Postform()
if request.method == 'POST':
template_string = request.POST.get("body")
>! here i want the id for some reason
print("Original", template_string)
rendered_content = render_template_content(template_string)
print("Rendered", rendered_content)
form = Postform(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
post =
post.body = rendered_content
form = Postform(initial={'body':rendered_content})
return render(request, 'index.html', {"form": form})
I am using CKeditor in the frontend and is sending the whole text area in body
i want to extract this id
I am not sure if I have full understanding of your view, would you share the form and model as well?
If you need Id of the product you need to use
. The trouble is that in that I can't see the product in that view anywhere.