Django Formset Nested Structure Not Posting Correctly for Dynamic Fields

I’m working on a Django nested formset where users can:

  • Add multiple colors to a product.
  • For each color, add multiple sizes dynamically using JavaScript.
  • Each size should have its own size_name, stock, and price_increment field.


When submitting the form, Django is incorrectly grouping multiple size field values into lists instead of treating them as separate entries.

Expected Django POST Data (Correct Structure)

sizes-0-0-size_name = "Small"
sizes-0-0-stock = "100"
sizes-0-0-price_increment = "50"

sizes-0-1-size_name = "Medium"
sizes-0-1-stock = "150"
sizes-0-1-price_increment = "75"

Actual Django POST Data (Incorrect Structure)

sizes-0-0-size_name = ["Small", "Medium"]
sizes-0-0-stock = ["100", "150"]
sizes-0-0-price_increment = ["50", "75"]
  • Instead of separate fields for each size, Django is grouping values into a single list.
  • The sizes-0-TOTAL_FORMS field is appearing twice in the POST request, which might indicate a JavaScript duplication issue.

Debugging the Request Data (request.POST)

<QueryDict: {
    'colors-TOTAL_FORMS': ['1'],
    'sizes-0-TOTAL_FORMS': ['1', '1'],  # This should be a single value, not duplicated
    'sizes-0-0-size_name': ['Small', 'Medium'],
    'sizes-0-0-stock': ['100', '150'],
    'sizes-0-0-price_increment': ['50', '75']

Potential Causes:

  1. JavaScript Issue:

    • Dynamic form addition might be incorrectly naming inputs, causing Django to interpret multiple values as a list.
    • TOTAL_FORMS for sizes might not be updated properly, leading to duplicate values.
  2. Django Formset Issue:

    • Django might not be detecting individual size inputs properly due to incorrect prefix handling.

Code Implementation

Forms (

class ProductForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = VendorProduct
        fields = ['title', 'cagtegory', 'base_price']

class ProductColorForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = ProductColor
        fields = ['color_name', 'color_code']

class ProductSizeForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = ProductSize
        fields = ['size_name', 'stock', 'price_increment']

ProductColorFormSet = inlineformset_factory(
    VendorProduct, ProductColor, form=ProductColorForm, extra=1, can_delete=True
ProductSizeFormSet = inlineformset_factory(
    ProductColor, ProductSize, form=ProductSizeForm, extra=1, can_delete=True

View (

def add_product(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        product_form = ProductForm(request.POST)
        color_formset = ProductColorFormSet(request.POST, prefix='colors')

        if product_form.is_valid() and color_formset.is_valid():
            product =
            for color_index, color_form in enumerate(color_formset):
                if color_form.cleaned_data.get('color_name'):
                    color =
                    color.product = product

                    # **Check if sizes are structured properly**
                    size_formset = ProductSizeFormSet(
                        request.POST, instance=color, prefix=f'sizes-{color_index}'
                    print(f"Processing sizes for color index {color_index}:")

                    if size_formset.is_valid():

            return redirect('vendorpannel:vendor_shop')

        product_form = ProductForm()
        color_formset = ProductColorFormSet(prefix='colors')
        color_size_formsets = [
            ProductSizeFormSet(instance=color_form.instance, prefix=f'sizes-{index}')
            for index, color_form in enumerate(color_formset.forms)

    return render(request, 'vendorpannel/add-product.html', {
        'product_form': product_form,
        'color_formset': color_formset,
        'color_size_formsets': color_size_formsets,

JavaScript for Dynamic Form Handling (add_product.html)

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    let colorIndex = document.querySelectorAll(".color-item").length;
    function addColor() {
        let totalForms = document.querySelector('[name="colors-TOTAL_FORMS"]');
        let newColor = document.querySelector(".color-item").cloneNode(true);
        newColor.querySelectorAll("input").forEach(input => {
   =\d+/g, `colors-${colorIndex}`);
            input.value = "";

        let sizeContainer = newColor.querySelector(".sizeContainer");
        sizeContainer.innerHTML = "";

        let sizeTotalForms = document.createElement("input");
        sizeTotalForms.type = "hidden"; = `sizes-${colorIndex}-TOTAL_FORMS`;
        sizeTotalForms.value = "0";

        totalForms.value = colorIndex + 1;

    document.getElementById("addColorButton")?.addEventListener("click", addColor);

What I’ve Tried:

✅ Ensured sizes-{colorIndex}-TOTAL_FORMS exists before adding sizes dynamically.
✅ Used name.replace() correctly to update input names.
✅ Verified prefix usage in Django forms and formsets.


How can I ensure that each size input field gets a unique name instead of Django grouping multiple values into lists?

Full template which is rendering the formsets

{% extends 'vendorpannel/base.html' %}

{% load static %}

{% block title %}Dashboard{% endblock %}

{% load humanize %}

{% block content %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
   <title>Product Upload Form</title>
   <div class="container1">
      <h1>Product Upload</h1>
      <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
         {% csrf_token %}

         <label for="id_title">Product Title</label>
         {{ product_form.title }}

         <label for="id_category">Category</label>
         {{ product_form.cagtegory }}

         <label for="id_base_price">Base Price</label>
         {{ product_form.base_price }}

         <!-- Color Section -->
        <div id="colorContainer">
            {{ color_formset.management_form }}

            {% for color_form, size_formset in color_size_formsets %}
                <div class="dynamic-item color-item">
                    {{ color_form.color_name.label_tag }}
                    {{ color_form.color_name }}

                    {{ color_form.color_code.label_tag }}
                    {{ color_form.color_code }}

                    <!-- Size Section -->
                    <div class="sizeContainer">
                        {{ size_formset.management_form }}
                        {% for size_form in size_formset %}
                            <div class="dynamic-item size-item">
                                {{ size_form.size_name.label_tag }}
                                {{ size_form.size_name }}

                                {{ size_form.stock.label_tag }}
                                {{ size_form.stock }}

                                {{ size_form.price_increment.label_tag }}
                                {{ size_form.price_increment }}
                        {% endfor %}

                    <button type="button" class="add-size-btn add-btn">Add Size</button>
                    <button type="button" class="remove-btn" onclick="removeColor(this)">Remove Color</button>
            {% endfor %}

         <button type="button" id="addColorButton" class="add-btn">Add Another Color</button>

         <!-- Additional Product Images -->
         <div id="imageContainer">
            <h3>Additional Product Images</h3>
            {{ image_formset.management_form }}
            {% for image_form in image_formset %}
               <div class="dynamic-item image-item">
                  {{ image_form.image }}
            {% endfor %}
         <button type="button" id="addImageButton" class="add-btn">Add Another Image</button>

         <!-- Submit -->
         <button type="submit">Submit Product</button>

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
        let colorIndex = document.querySelectorAll(".color-item").length;

        function addColor() {
            let colorContainer = document.getElementById("colorContainer");
            let totalForms = document.querySelector('[name="colors-TOTAL_FORMS"]');

            let newColor = document.querySelector(".color-item").cloneNode(true);
            newColor.querySelectorAll("input, select").forEach(input => {
       =\d+/g, `colors-${colorIndex}`);
                input.value = "";

            let sizeContainer = newColor.querySelector(".sizeContainer");
            sizeContainer.innerHTML = "";

            // 🔹 Ensure TOTAL_FORMS for sizes exists
            let sizeTotalForms = document.createElement("input");
            sizeTotalForms.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
            sizeTotalForms.setAttribute("name", `sizes-${colorIndex}-TOTAL_FORMS`);
            sizeTotalForms.setAttribute("value", "0");

            newColor.querySelector(".add-size-btn").addEventListener("click", function () {
                addSize(this, colorIndex);

            totalForms.value = colorIndex + 1;

        function addSize(button, colorIdx) {
            let colorItem = button.closest(".color-item");
            let sizeContainer = colorItem.querySelector(".sizeContainer");

            // 🔹 Ensure TOTAL_FORMS for this color exists
            let totalForms = sizeContainer.querySelector('.size-total-forms');
            if (!totalForms) {
                console.warn(`Creating missing totalForms field for sizes-${colorIdx}-TOTAL_FORMS`);
                totalForms = document.createElement("input");
                totalForms.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
                totalForms.setAttribute("name", `sizes-${colorIdx}-TOTAL_FORMS`);
                totalForms.setAttribute("value", "0");

            let sizeIndex = parseInt(totalForms.value);
            let newSize = document.querySelector(".size-item").cloneNode(true);

            newSize.querySelectorAll("input, select").forEach(input => {
                let fieldType = input.getAttribute("name").split("-").pop();
       = `sizes-${colorIdx}-${sizeIndex}-${fieldType}`;
                input.value = "";

            totalForms.value = sizeIndex + 1;

        document.getElementById("addColorButton")?.addEventListener("click", addColor);
        document.querySelectorAll(".add-size-btn").forEach(button => {
            button.addEventListener("click", function () {
                let colorIdx = button.closest(".color-item").querySelector('[name^="colors-"]').name.match(/colors-(\d+)/)[1];
                addSize(this, colorIdx);


{% endblock %}

You need to group the color_size_formsets per color_formset, so:

def add_product(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # ...
        product_form = ProductForm()
        color_formset = ProductColorFormSet(prefix='colors')
        for index, color_form in enumerate(color_formset.forms):
            color_form.size_formset = ProductSizeFormSet(instance=color_form.instance, prefix=f'sizes-{index}')

    return render(request, 'vendorpannel/add-product.html', {
        'product_form': product_form,
        'color_formset': color_formset,

this is important because otherwise you each time render all ColorSizeFormSets in the list per color_form.

The template then has:

{% for color_form in color_formset %}

    <div class="dynamic-item color-item">
        {{ color_form.color_name.label_tag }}
        {{ color_form.color_name }}

        {{ color_form.color_code.label_tag }}
        {{ color_form.color_code }}

        <!-- Size Section -->
        <div class="sizeContainer">
            {{ color_form.size_formset.management_form }}
            {% for size_form in color_form.size_formset  %}
                <div class="dynamic-item size-item">
                    {{ size_form.size_name.label_tag }}
                    {{ size_form.size_name }}

                    {{ size_form.stock.label_tag }}
                    {{ size_form.stock }}

                    {{ size_form.price_increment.label_tag }}
                    {{ size_form.price_increment }}
            {% endfor %}

        <button type="button" class="add-size-btn add-btn">Add Size</button>
        <button type="button" class="remove-btn" onclick="removeColor(this)">Remove Color</button>
{% endfor %}
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