VSCode Ignores Mypy Type Hints When Using Django Plugins

I'm using VSCode and mypy in my Django project. My pyproject.toml configuration looks like this (following the Django Stubs README):

mypy_path = "."
python_version = "3.13"
strict = true
plugins = ["mypy_django_plugin.main"]

django_settings_module = "conf.settings"

When I run mypy in the terminal, everything works fine, and I get proper type checking.

However, in VSCode, I don't get any type hints at all. If I comment out the plugins line, mypy starts working in VSCode again.

What I've Tried:

  1. Running mypy manually in the terminal → Works as expected
  2. Commenting out plugins → VSCode starts showing hints again
  3. Checking that VSCode uses the correct mypy config (it's picking up pyproject.toml)

Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

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