Where the source code files are stored by azure in case of a web app on linux for a python website?

I've created a web app on azure for a python web app. I've successfully deployed it using zip and an azure cli command. It worked and my website works now. But what's really confusing to me is that I don't see my website files via filezilla.

I mean it should contain all those scripts and the database file. I'm using sqlite db there. So if I just want to upload some image manually or download a database for a backup or local work with up to date PROD database, how do I do that?

The only thing that I've found there is a output.tar.gz file, which contains output.tar file, which contains all of my website files and the database file as well. But would azure server hold all the files that a website is currently using in an archive? It would slow down an app, so I don't believe that those files are up to date with actual working PROD website instance.

So how can I download the database file from PROD to my local?


I've tested it. I've created a text file via ssh console at the PROD file system near files of my website. But it didn't appear in that output.tar.gz archive. So seems like that archive contains only what was deployed from local to a server.

Finally I've found out the answer for myself and can share it as well.

Seems like there's a structure of files and folders like this:

├─ home/
│  ├─ site/
│  │  ├─ wwwroot/
├─ tmp/
│  ├─ zxc0987/
│  │  ├─ [all the website files here...]
├─ [some other files and folders...]

So that's not intuitive but here's what I've found out:

You can access only folder root@abc1234/home from FileZilla and everything inside it. Actual website files I've found in the folder root@abc1234/tmp/zxc0987 and that's the folder where ssh console opens at start.

So I didn't test it so far yet. But hypothetically we should be able to copy files from the PROD website that we need to one of folders that are available via ftp and then we'll be able to download them.

Keep in mind that "abc1234" and "zxc0987" are just examples and you'll have a different sequence of characters there and they are longer there.

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