Setting acks_late=True doesnt re-execute the task if worker process is killed
i want to reproduce this behaviour highlighted in celery doc
If the worker won’t shutdown after considerate time, for being stuck in an infinite-loop or similar, you can use the KILL signal to force terminate the worker: but be aware that currently executing tasks will be lost (i.e., unless the tasks have the acks_late option set).
this is my task:
def check_ack():
print('task picked')
print('task completed after 60r seconds')
here are steps i am following:
1.start celery: celery -A master worker --concurrency=2 the task from django shell: check_ack.delay()
3. while task is running execute :pkill -9 -f 'master worker'
4. now restart celery again : celery -A master worker --concurrency=2
But i don't see the task getting re-picked by workers. What am i missing?