Django 5 translate route with param
I have troubles to translate properly a route that needs a param. this works fine if the uri has /fr/ or /en/:
urlpatterns = [
path(_('CATEGORY'), views.category, name='app-category'),
But as long as I need to add a param like:
urlpatterns = [
path(f"{_('CATEGORY')}/<slug:uuid>", views.category, name='app-category'),
urlpatterns = [
path(_('CATEGORY') + "/<slug:uuid>", views.category, name='app-category'),
The translation stuck with 'category' so the route /fr/categorie/ is not working. _('CATEGORY') = 'categorie' for fr or 'category' for en.
Any idea about how to bypass the issue? Thanks
Have you tried making a custom URL dispatcher to return a view depending on the language?