Custom GraphQL String Field Parameter

I'm required to sanitize all my inputs coming in via the GraphQL endpoint and remove potential malicious stuff (No the Django build-in mechanism are not enough, it shall be actively removed). As I do not want to add the sanitization for every mutation manually, I thought about creating a custom graphene.String() class called clean_string.String() including nh3.clean() for the sanitization so I must only exchange singe lines:

import graphene
import nh3
from graphql import StringValueNode, Undefined

class String(graphene.String):
    def parse_value(cls, value):
        if isinstance(value, str):
            cleaned_value = nh3.clean(value)
            cleaned_value = value
        return super(String, cls).parse_value(cleaned_value)

    def parse_literal(ast, _variables=None):
        if isinstance(ast, StringValueNode):
            return nh3.clean(ast.value)
        return Undefined

In my I have then

import clean_string

class CreateUser(graphene.Mutation):
    user = graphene.Field(UserType)

    class Arguments:
        email = clean_string.String(required=True)
        password = clean_string.String(required=True)
    def mutate(_, info, email, password)
        # sanitized email & password

But this does not get called at all. When I have inputs like <img>password</img> and do the sanitation manually the result will be <img>password but with my custom class nothing happens.

Does anyone have a clue how to resolve this? Thanks in advance!

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