How to use django-allauth for Google API?
How is django-allauth
implemented to obtain authorization using Oauth2 for a Google API (in my case the Gmail API)? Additionally, I am looking to implement this separately from using django-allauth
to have users log in with Google, so I would need to store it separately, and also call it in a view.
I'm assuming you have already followed this document and this, and made all the necessary primary settings.
Then you can use django-allauth
to set up authentication via Google, with tokens saved. Specify the required parameters for gmail scope
. Then use these tokens to work with GmailAPI
First you need to set some settings, this is described in this document (SOCIALACCOUNT_STORE_TOKENS
constant). Something like this:
Also configure “access_type”: “offline”
, in the google
provider settings, as described here:
You must set
in order to receive a refresh token on first login and on reauthentication requests (which is needed to refresh authentication tokens in the background, without involving the user’s browser). When unspecified, Google defaults toonline
Now, after the user logs in to your system through google
account, a database entry will be created with his access_token
and refresh_token (token_secret in db_table)
. You can check this in the admin interface in this table:
To use GmailAPI
, you need the google
user ID and its access_token
, this can be found like this:
def get_user_google_tokens(request: HttpRequest, limit: int = 1) -> list[dict]:
from allauth.socialaccount.models import SocialToken
from django.db import models
user_google_tokens = list(
.values('token', 'token_secret', 'expires_at', 'google_user_id')[:limit]
# [
# {'token': '...',
# 'token_secret': '...',
# 'expires_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 7, 16, 38, 16, 611588, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
# 'google_user_id': '...'}
# ]
return user_google_tokens
Note that access_token
has a short validity of one hour, by default. You can read more about it here. When your access_token
expires in time, you will need to refresh it using refresh_token (token_secret)
, and write new access_token
to the database by modifying an existing entry. Here's an example of how to refresh. Also note that sometimes you will not be able to refresh tokens using refresh_token
Here is an example of a request to update a token using Postman
. But you will probably use some library for http
requests for python
. Or some off-the-shelf client, for that matter. django-allauth
doesn't seem to be able to update tokens, but I don't know for sure, I haven't checked that.