Django Status Transition Issue: Incorrect Status Update for 'New', 'Active', and 'Deleted'
I have a question. I recently noticed that the statuses aren't updating correctly from "new" to "active" and from "deleted" to "not visible anymore."
For example, the program should show the "new" status in January and switch to "active" in February, but instead, it's showing "new" for both January and February, and only switching to "active" in March.
The same issue is happening with the "deleted" status. It should show as "deleted" in January and change to "not visible anymore" in February. However, it's showing as "deleted" in January, February, and March, and then disappears entirely in April.
What could be causing this issue? I assume it is the wrong timestamps that were set up, but I am not sure how to redefine them.
The main issue is in production, not in development although the codes are the same.