Django NFC Writing Issue on Production - HID Omnikey 5422 - "Service not available" Error [closed]

I am developing a Django web application to write to an NFC card using the HID Omnikey 5422 reader. Everything works fine on localhost, but when I deploy it to the production server, I get the following error:

Django Server Error:

Error writing link to NFC card: Failed to establish context: Service not available. (0x8010001D)

Django View for Writing NFC Card: (I am using pyscard to interact with the card)

from typing import List
from smartcard.CardConnection import CardConnection
from smartcard.util import toHexString
import ndef

def create_ndef_record(url: str) -> bytes:
  """Encodes a given URI into a complete NDEF message using 

    url (str): The URI to be encoded into an NDEF message.

    bytes: The complete NDEF message as bytes, ready to be 
    written to an NFC tag.
uri_record = ndef.UriRecord(url)

encoded_message = b''.join(ndef.message_encoder([uri_record]))

message_length = len(encoded_message)

initial_message = b'\x03' + message_length.to_bytes(1, 'big') + 
encoded_message + b'\xFE'

padding_length = -len(initial_message) % 4
complete_message = initial_message + (b'\x00' * padding_length)

return complete_message

def write_ndef_message(connection: CardConnection, ndef_message: 
bytes) -> bool:
"""Writes the NDEF message to the NFC tag.

    connection (CardConnection): The connection to the NFC tag.
    ndef_message (bytes): The NDEF message to be written.

    bool: True if the write operation is successful, False 
page = 4  # Starting page
while ndef_message:
    block_data = ndef_message[:4]  # Write 4 bytes at a time
    ndef_message = ndef_message[4:]  # Update remaining data
    WRITE_COMMAND = [0xFF, 0xD6, 0x00, page, 0x04] + 
    response, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(WRITE_COMMAND)

    if sw1 != 0x90 or sw2 != 0x00:
        print(f"Failed to write to page {page}, SW1: {sw1:02X}, 
SW2: {sw2:02X}")
        return False

    print(f"Successfully wrote to page {page}")
    page += 1

return True

def write_to_nfc(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
      # Get the URL (link) to write to the NFC tag
      url_slug = request.POST.get("link")
      data_to_write = url_slug  

        # List available readers
        r = readers()
        if not r:
            return JsonResponse({"error": "No card reader 
    found!"}, status=400)

        # Find the contactless reader
        reader = next((rdr for rdr in r if "CL" in str(rdr)), 
        if not reader:
            return JsonResponse({"error": "No contactless card 
       reader found!"}, status=400)

        print(f"Selected reader: {reader}")

        # Connect to the reader
        connection = reader.createConnection()

        # Prepare the NDEF message (the URL to be written to the 
        ndef_message = create_ndef_record(data_to_write)

        # Write the NDEF message to the NFC card
        success = write_ndef_message(connection, ndef_message)

        if success:
            return JsonResponse({"success": "Link written to NFC card successfully!"})
            return JsonResponse({"error": "Failed to write to NFC card!"}, status=500)

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {str(e)}")
        return JsonResponse({"error": str(e)}, status=500)

return JsonResponse({"error": "Invalid request method"}, status=405)
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