How can I configure a Django Unfold "custom site" with a required URL parameter?
I'm attempting to create a "custom site" using Django Unfold. I have an existing admin panel configured using the more basic ModelAdmin
approach which works nicely. However, I need to create a separate admin panel using the "custom site" feature for use with django-tenants. I want the URL structure to look like: http://localhost:8000/tenant-admin/$tenant-id/. Within the "custom site", Django Tenants will scope the Postgres search path to the correct Postgres schema and the admin will be able to manage all of the models for a given tenant.
I have defined my custom site as follows:
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from unfold.sites import UnfoldAdminSite
from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin
from tenant_app.models import Foo
class TenantAdminSite(UnfoldAdminSite):
# hopefully not needed -- but this is the first instance of admin:index causing problems
# index_template = "admin/dashboard.html"
def get_app_list(self, *args, **kwargs):
# this lives at apps/tenant_app and is the only app that this TenantAdminSite
# will use. Not sure if strings are valid here?
return ["tenant_app"]
def get_urls(self):
Add custom URLs to the default admin site, capturing the tenant name.
from django.urls import reverse
# Capture the tenant name as part of the URL
urls = super().get_urls()
# Add custom URL pattern to handle the index view based on tenant
custom_urls = [
"/tenant-admin/<tenant_name>/", self.index_view, name="index"
), # Tenant-specific index
return custom_urls + urls
def index_view(self, request, tenant_name):
A custom view for the index page of the admin, taking the tenant name into account.
# Use django-tenants' tenant context for the tenant-specific admin
from django_tenants.utils import tenant_context
with tenant_context(tenant_name):
context = self.each_context(request)
return self.render_to_response(context)
def index(self, request, schema_name, extra_context={}):
self.schema_name = schema_name
return super().index(request, extra_context)
tenant_admin_site = TenantAdminSite(name="tenant_admin_site")
@admin.register(Foo, site=tenant_admin_site)
class FooAdmin(ModelAdmin):
model = Foo
... and as:
path("tenant-admin/<str:schema_name>/", tenant_admin_site.urls),
Visiting http://localhost:8000/tenant-admin/01949409-daa3-77e0-b367-229cb0ded71a/ now yields the following error which occurs when the template tries to create a URL using url admin:index
Reverse for 'index' with no arguments not found. 2 pattern(s) tried: ['tenant\\-admin/(?P<schema_name>[^/]+)/\\Z', 'tenant\\-admin/(?P<schema_name>[^/]+)//tenant\\-admin/(?P<tenant_name>[^/]+)/\\Z']
I'm at a bit of a loss with how to proceed. I've tried overriding all of the seemingly relevant methods in my site subclass and trying to define an index value but ... perhaps I just have a fundamental misunderstanding of how or if this approach can work.
- Python 3.13
- Django 5 (latest)
- unfold 0.45.0
custom_urls = [
"/tenant-admin/<tenant_name>/", self.index_view, name="index"
), # Tenant-specific index
edit this line :