I got 'IncompleteSignature' issue in Aliexpress open platform

  1. I am working over Django using python.
  2. I am working on the official SDK for python of Aliexpress.
  3. I am trying to get the ACCESS TOKEN from Aliexpress.
  4. I got 'IncompleteSignature' issue which means 'The request signature does not conform to platform standards as the part of the response body.
  5. Here is full results : {'error_response': {'type': 'ISV', 'code': 'IncompleteSignature', 'msg': 'The request signature does not conform to platform standards', 'request_id': '2141154c17373626146733360'}}
  6. My code is very simple because I referred the sample code of their site. (https://openservice.aliexpress.com/doc/api.htm#/api?cid=3&path=/auth/token/create&methodType=GET/POST) Here is my code:
def callback_handler(request):
    code = request.GET.get('code')
    url = "https://api-sg.aliexpress.com/sync"
    appkey = "123456"
    appSecret = "1234567890XXXX"
    client = iop.IopClient(
    request = iop.IopRequest('/auth/token/create')
    request.add_api_param('code', code)
    response = client.execute(request)
    response_type = response.type
    response_body = response.body
    return HttpResponse(f"Response type: {response_type}, Response body: {response_body}")
  1. I posted the question to the Aliexpress console but they replied with a very vague answer and a Java script reference code. I was shocked. It was not even python. And this advice can be only implemented if I modified their SDK itself. I am not sure if the python SDK is of practical working quality.

  2. Since I have been spending too much time and efforts to figure it out, I just wanted to find any way to achieve my goal. If there is anybody who has overcome this step, whether using the official or non-official SDK, please advise me. In addition, if somebody found any mistakes or errors in my code, it would be welcome too. Thanks.

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