Adding the user I created in Django to the server with ldap

I want to add the user created in Django to my server via LDAP. Even if I get the message that the connection is successful, it does not continue and gives this warning: LDAP connection successfully. Error occurred during LDAP connection: ('unable to open socket', [(LDAPSocketOpenError('socket connection error while opening: [WinError 10060] I can attract users to my database with the connection I made.

def create_user_in_ldap(request, django_user):
    Adds the user created in Django to the LDAP server.
        ldap_config = get_object_or_404(LdapConfig,
        ldap_server = ldap_config.ldap_server
        ldap_username = ldap_config.bind_username
        ldap_password = ldap_config.bind_password
        ldap_domain = ldap_config.bind_dn
        server = Server(ldap_server, get_info=ALL)
        connection = Connection(

        if not connection.bind():
            print(f"LDAP connection unsuccessful: {connection.result}")
            return False

        print("LDAP connection succesfully")
        user_dn = f"cn={django_user.username},ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
        attributes = {
            "objectClass": ["top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "user"],
            "cn": django_user.username,
            "sn": django_user.last_name or "NoLastName",
            "givenName": django_user.first_name or "NoFirstName",
            "displayName": f"{django_user.first_name} {django_user.last_name}",
            "userPassword": "default_password",
        connection.add(user_dn, attributes=attributes)
        print("User add result:", connection.result)

        if connection.result["description"] == "success":
            print(f"User successfully added to LDAP server {django_user.username}")
            return True
            print(f"Error adding user: {connection.result['description']}")
            return False

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error occurred during LDAP connection: {str(e)}")
        return False
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