Add buttom from admin panel to ModelForm in Django

In the admin panel of a django app when you are adding a database entry that links data from another table on a foreign key you get a dropdown to select the entry and 3 buttons to edit, add or view an entry like this:

enter image description here

However when you create a form for this model to take data from a user, the linked data only shows the dropdown menu and no buttons:

enter image description here

Is there any way that I can add the 'add' and 'view' button on the input form so that the user can view an entry in more detail if unsure or add a new entry if the required information is not already in the database?

It seems like it should be pretty simple if the functionality is already there for admin panel and would be neater than implementing some custom pages to load the data for viewing or redirecting to another form to add the new data?

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