What is the most secured approach to prevent html video download from a django website

I have a website that i want to do the following:

  1. prevent users from downloading the videos. I need the best practice
  2. ensure that my videos can only be played within the website and no where else

I tried to disguise the video source link to blob url object but it's downloadable. Even when I copy the blob url object in to browser the video still plays, that another thing i need to prevent. PLEASE HELP!

One way to approach this is through..

  • video streaming i.e. hls: where the video is split in small chunks and streamed over the network continuously instead of a single video file. i.e. 1mb stream every 5 seconds or something.
  • serve videos signed URLs using service like aws s3 / cloudfront / etc. these URLs should have exp times and security policies to ensure valid users have access to them.
  • caching?
  • cors and referer based access to allow requests only from your site

in the front end, adding controlslist="nodownload" in the video element helps.

a good example of how this is done is https://www.udemy.com

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