How to Disable Re-authentication in Django's allauth MFA's TOTP
I am trying to customize the reauthentication form of the mfa. I aslo customized the TOTP activate and deactivate form and it works, but now i am struggling to customize the reauthentication form with my defined route name in django.
and is there any way to disable this reauth of the allauth mfa - 2fa
path('mfa/reauthenticate/', views.CustomReauthenticateView.as_view(), name='mfa_reauthenticate'),
class CustomReauthenticateView(BaseReauthenticateView):
template_name = "settings/mfa/reauthenticate.html" # Ensure the correct template is used
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['custom_message'] = 'This is a custom message for reauthentication.'
return context
def form_valid(self, form):
response = super().form_valid(form)
return response
but it always rendering to localhost:8000/accounts/reauthenticate/?next=...
and not my defined url. I also tried another way by customizing the allauth.account.decoders - reauthentication_required but not work
Please someone help, that i want to redirect to my customize reauth form
To disable re-authentication in Django Allauth's MFA with TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password), you would typically need to adjust the settings or customize the way Django Allauth handles re-authentication.
However, be aware that MFA's purpose is to increase security, and disabling it may reduce the security of your application. Re-authentication is usually required to ensure that users who already logged in remain secure over time, especially when sensitive actions are performed.
If you still want to proceed, here's how you can modify or customize the behavior:
Steps to disable re-authentication: Modify the allauth settings: Django Allauth uses ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATED_KEEP_ALIVE setting to determine whether a user needs to re-authenticate. You can set this to True to disable re-authentication for users who are already authenticated.
Add this in your
This setting ensures that authenticated users remain logged in without requiring re-authentication after a certain period.
Check and adjust TOTP settings: The TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) feature in Django Allauth is often controlled by the package django-otp. You can customize its behavior by overriding certain views or signals.
Override Allauth views (optional): If you need to fully customize how re-authentication works with TOTP, you might want to override the Allauth views related to MFA or re-authentication. Here's an example of how to override the TOTP verification view:
from allauth.account.views import LoginView from django.shortcuts import redirect
class CustomLoginView(LoginView):
def form_valid(self, form):
# Custom logic for skipping re-authentication
return redirect('your_redirect_url') # Direct to your desired page
Customize django-otp (optional): If you're using django-otp, you may need to adjust how TOTP works. The django-otp package allows you to handle time-based passwords, but it may require you to customize middleware or views to disable the second factor for re-authentication.
Adjust session expiration settings: You can also control session expiration behavior by adjusting SESSION_COOKIE_AGE and SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE in your Django settings. For example:
Extend session expiration time
SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 # 1 week
Important Notes: Disabling MFA for re-authentication can weaken your security posture, especially when performing sensitive actions. Make sure that disabling re-authentication still aligns with your app’s security requirements and that it's an intentional decision.