Django request.GET adds and extra quote to the data
When I pass my parameters via Django request.GET I get an extra comma in the dictionary that I do not need.
Encoded data that I redirect to the endpoint:
The request:
<rest_framework.request.Request: GET '/turnalerts/api/v2/statuses?statuses=%5B%7B%27conversation%27%3A+%7B%27expiration_timestamp%27%3A+%271735510680%27%2C+%27id%27%3A+%2757f7d7d4d255f4c7987ac3557bf536e3%27%2C+%27origin%27%3A+%7B%27type%27%3A+%27service%27%7D%7D%2C+%27id%27%3A+%27wamid.HBgNMjM0OTAzOTc1NjYyOBUCABEYEjdCMTJFNUZDNzNFQjkxQ0IyRQA%3D%27%2C+%27pricing%27%3A+%7B%27billable%27%3A+True%2C+%27category%27%3A+%27service%27%2C+%27pricing_model%27%3A+%27CBP%27%7D%2C+%27recipient_id%27%3A+%272349039756628%27%2C+%27status%27%3A+%27sent%27%2C+%27timestamp%27%3A+%271735424268%27%7D%5D'>
Data after request.GET:
{'statuses': "[{'conversation': {'expiration_timestamp': '1735510680', 'id': '57f7d7d4d255f4c7987ac3557bf536e3', 'origin': {'type': 'service'}}, 'id': 'wamid.HBgNMjM0OTAzOTc1NjYyOBUCABEYEjdCMTJFNUZDNzNFQjkxQ0IyRQA=', 'pricing': {'billable': True, 'category': 'service', 'pricing_model': 'CBP'}, 'recipient_id': '2349039756628', 'status': 'sent', 'timestamp': '1735424268'}]"}
The issue here is the double quote in the list as in "[{'conversation'...
Expected result is:
{'statuses': [{'conversation': {'expiration_timestamp': '1735510680', 'id': '57f7d7d4d255f4c7987ac3557bf536e3', 'origin': {'type': 'service'}}, 'id': 'wamid.HBgNMjM0OTAzOTc1NjYyOBUCABEYEjdCMTJFNUZDNzNFQjkxQ0IyRQA=', 'pricing': {'billable': True, 'category': 'service', 'pricing_model': 'CBP'}, 'recipient_id': '2349039756628', 'status': 'sent', 'timestamp': '1735424268'}]}
Here's my view:
class StatusesPayloadLayerView(generics.GenericAPIView):
permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
payload = request.GET
data = payload.dict()
error_code = data['statuses'][0]['errors'][0]['code']
except KeyError:
error_code = None
From the url encoding reference here, the encoded data looks fine as it doesn't appear to have a double quote before the list which would be "%22" notation so I can't quite understand where the double quote is coming from. I try to do a try-except but because it's a string, I end up with a type error.
How can I represent the data properly so it's not a string with no double quote.
The issue here is the double quote in the list.
Nope. This is not part of the content of the string. This is because Python's repr(..) function tries to print the value as a Python literal expression, for example {'a': 'b'}
prints single quotes around 'a'
and 'b'
, but these are not part of the content of the string.
You can JSON decode the values with;
class StatusesPayloadLayerView(generics.GenericAPIView):
permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
payload = request.GET
data = payload.dict()
statuses = json.loads(data['statuses'])
# …
and this will print:
[{'conversation': {'expiration_timestamp': '1735510680', 'id': '57f7d7d4d255f4c7987ac3557bf536e3', 'origin': {'type': 'service'}}, 'id': 'wamid.HBgNMjM0OTAzOTc1NjYyOBUCABEYEjdCMTJFNUZDNzNFQjkxQ0IyRQA=', 'pricing': {'billable': True, 'category': 'service', 'pricing_model': 'CBP'}, 'recipient_id': '2349039756628', 'status': 'sent', 'timestamp': '1735424268'}]