Django - Custom Error Templates not rendering

I have some custom templates in my django app. But these are not being rendered and instead displays the basic template:

500 Internal Server Error
Exception inside application.


Edit: If I move my (used on local to DEBUG = False), then the template is rendered.

This is my setup: (app level: main):

def custom_500(request):
    return render(request,'main/500.html', status=500)

templates (app level: main with path: templates->main->500html)

500.html custom template file (project level)

from main.views import custom_400, custom_500
from django.conf.urls import handler500, handler400
handler500 = 'main.views.custom_500'

settings (folder)

DEBUG = False

I also have a in my setting folder, but cannot see anything I should report on there.

I tried to list all the checks I have tried:

In heroku app shell:

print(settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS) # returned the domain name
print(settings.DEBUG) # returned false
print(os.getenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE')) # mysite.settings.staging
print(settings.CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE) # true (just in case I would the app would be treated as non prod)
print(settings.SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT) # true (just in case I would the app would be treated as non prod)

and finally:

>>> from django.shortcuts import render 
>>> from django.test import RequestFactory
>>> request = RequestFactory().get('/')
>>> render(request,'main/500.html', status=500)

#returned: <HttpResponse status_code=500, "text/html; charset=utf-8">

I am running out of idea, and I am sure its probably something simple.

I am hoping someone may have some suggestion.

There are probably several ways to land this, but below is what I do. While there could be some optimization to this, it works well so long as the error is within the django app and not with the webserver itself.

in (don't see any difference here).

if not DEBUG:  # i don't want custom error handling in my dev environment because i want to see the dump to help with troubleshooting.
    handler500 = '<project>.views.custom_500'

in I see some differences here... don't know if they are necessarily material or not.

def custom_500(request, *args, **argv):
    context = {'<load up the data i need to send to the custom template>',}
    t = loader.get_template('error.html')
    response = HttpResponseServerError(t.render(context))
    response.status_code = 500   # need to set this to ensure flags the error and sends dump data to admins.
    return response
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