Django - Custom Error Templates not rendering
I have some custom templates in my django app. But these are not being rendered and instead displays the basic template:
500 Internal Server Error
Exception inside application.
Edit: If I move my (used on local to DEBUG = False), then the template is rendered.
This is my setup: (app level: main):
def custom_500(request):
return render(request,'main/500.html', status=500)
templates (app level: main with path: templates->main->500html)
500.html custom template file (project level)
from main.views import custom_400, custom_500
from django.conf.urls import handler500, handler400
handler500 = 'main.views.custom_500'
settings (folder)
DEBUG = False
I also have a in my setting folder, but cannot see anything I should report on there.
I tried to list all the checks I have tried:
In heroku app shell:
print(settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS) # returned the domain name
print(settings.DEBUG) # returned false
print(os.getenv('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE')) # mysite.settings.staging
print(settings.CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE) # true (just in case I would the app would be treated as non prod)
print(settings.SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT) # true (just in case I would the app would be treated as non prod)
and finally:
>>> from django.shortcuts import render
>>> from django.test import RequestFactory
>>> request = RequestFactory().get('/')
>>> render(request,'main/500.html', status=500)
#returned: <HttpResponse status_code=500, "text/html; charset=utf-8">
I am running out of idea, and I am sure its probably something simple.
I am hoping someone may have some suggestion.