Is there a way to have multiple users on the same device without anyone being the same person with Webauthn in Django?

I am currently working on a project in Django. The application in question consists of allowing agents to register their presence at guard posts (guarding) and to make the rounds. Per post, we can have 2 or 3 agents and who will have to share the same device (Smartphone or tablet) To ensure that each agent is actually present, I wanted to use Webauthn (fingerprints) in the application. So after connecting using the identifiers of the Django connection form, they will have to authenticate using Webauthn to be able to register their arrival at the post. Naturally, each agent would have been registered by their fingerprints at the very level of the security parameters of the device upstream My question is whether this is possible with a shared device. Agents may want to help each other by passing their Django login credentials, so if authentication by Webauthn can cause Agent B to fail to login pretending to be Agent A. Thanks to the kind souls who will do me the honor of answering me.

My codes already allow registration and authentication with webauthn.

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