How do I avoid a SuspiciousFileOperation when uploading a Django photo?

from django_resized import ResizedImageField
class UserProfilePhoto(Model):
    photo = ResizedImageField(size=[128, 128], upload_to=MEDIA_ROOT)

    photo_hash = BigIntegerField(
        help_text=_("an integer representation of the hexdigest hash of the photo"),

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{} ({self.photo_hash})"

I used to have a save() operation in the model, which would do the resizing but now I'm using Django-resized because after all that figuring out how to resize the photo and generate a hash value it turns out there is a module to do it already.

I'm adding a picture to the userprofilephoto in the admin.

SuspiciousFileOperation at /admin/userprofile/userprofilephoto/add/
Detected path traversal attempt in '/app/mine/media/mendlebrot-lawn.jpeg'

How do you turn off the error or the validation?

To answer some questions in advance:

No. I'm not going to go back to ImageField() It gave me the same problem with lots more code.

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