Django Authentication Timeout Error (H12) on Heroku with MongoDB Atlas

I have a question regarding an issue I'm facing. I built an authentication system in Django and connected it to a MongoDB Atlas database. The website is deployed on Heroku, but I'm encountering a timeout error on Heroku (Error H12). I've already checked the database connection, and it seems to be working. I also changed the timeout duration to 60 and 120 seconds, but neither resolved the issue. What could be causing this error?


heroku[router]: at=error code=H12 desc="Request timeout" method=GET path="/" host=XXXX (i changed my host name) request_id=3f41-4c44-8740-a56e6191eb53 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=30000ms status=503 bytes=0 protocol=https

I checked the MongoDB Atlas connection, and it appears to be working fine. I also adjusted the timeout settings, increasing the timeout to 60 and 120 seconds, hoping this would resolve the H12 error on Heroku. However, I was expecting the website to load properly without timing out, but the issue persists despite these changes.

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