How to Separate Django Channels WebSockets into a Scalable Microservice for a Multiplayer Game?

I have a Django web application that includes a multiplayer game feature, using Django Channels for real-time communication over WebSockets. Currently, the WebSockets functionality (real-time game updates, player interactions, etc.) is handled directly within the main Django application.

As the project grows, I'm considering separating the WebSockets/game logic into its own microservice for scalability and maintainability. My goals are to have a dedicated microservice that handles all real-time communication and game logic, and to be able to scale this service independently of the main Django web app.

Here are the specific details of my setup:

  • Backend Framework: Django (with Django Channels for WebSockets)
  • Current Architecture: Monolithic Django app with WebSockets handled directly in the same codebase - as the rest of the application
  • Desired Architecture: Separate microservice dedicated to handling WebSocket connections and game logic, which can be scaled independently


  1. What are the best practices for separating WebSocket real-time communication into a dedicated microservice?
  2. What tools or technologies can be useful for building this scalable WebSocket-based microservice? I'd like not to use another django services but something lighter
  3. How should communication between the main Django app and the WebSocket microservice be handled (e.g., API, message queues, etc.)?
  4. How should i manage authentication?

Initial Attempts at Decoupling: I tried separating the WebSocket logic into a new Django app within the same project, hoping that this would let me manage it more easily. I expected that this would make scaling the WebSocket part easier while keeping it in the same framework.

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