Making instances of Django records with a through model

Let's say you have a concept of a Battle, and in that battle there are Players and Enemies. The players are a simple ManyToMany, but Enemies require a Through model, because if there's a DB entry for "Goblin", players need to fight an INSTANCE of the Goblin model. Players may fight many Goblins, and each needs their own health/status at any given moment.

So far, I've got a Django model like so (I'm simplifying the code for readability, and to focus on the main issue)

class Battle(models.Model):
    players = ManyToMany(Player)
    enemies = ManyToMany(Enemy, through=EnemyThroughModel)

With the appropriate adjustments to and such, this works in that I can attach multiple Enemies to a Battle and see them listed separately in admin, HOWEVER, those are all keyed to the same basic Enemy, and if I change one of them (say, they take damage), ALL the keyed references to that enemy now have their health reduced.

Is there a neat way I can use through models to create a new instance of the enemies, so that they have independent health/mana/etc?

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