Is it possible to terminate an AI training process in django?
I am developing a webpage using Django. In the admin site, there is a section called: Train Model, in here, there is a button called "Train Model" this button runs a python script that has a simulation of a training process, it is just a sleep(30) for now, while the sleeping time is happening the user should be able no cancel this process, in case the user forgot something, is it possible to do so? I have tried some things, but the logs show that even if I press the cancel button, the "training" process runs until it is completed.
import time
import multiprocessing
import os
import signal
import logging
# Global variables to manage the training state
is_training = False
training_process = None
training_pid = None # Store the PID of the training process
stop_event = None
logger = logging.getLogger()
def train_task(stop_event):
"""simulates the training task with stop event support"""
for i in range(30):
if stop_event.is_set():
print("Training cancelled.")
print("Training done.")
def train_model():
global is_training, training_process, stop_event
# If training is already in progress, return immediately
if is_training:
print("Training already in progress...")
return "Training already in progress"
#mark the start of the training
is_training = True
stop_event = multiprocessing.Event() #creates a stop event
print("Training started...")
#start the training process with stop event support
training_process = multiprocessing.Process(target = train_task, args=(stop_event,))
#stores the pid of the process
training_pid =
return "Training started."
def cancel_training_process():
global training_pid, is_training, stop_event
if is_training and training_pid:
os.kill(training_pid, signal.SIGTERM) #sends the SIGTERM signal to the process
is_training = False #resets the training state
training_pid = None
stop_event.set() # stops the training event
return "Training cancelled."
except OSError as e:
return f"Error while cancelling the process: {e}"
return "No training in progress"
def check_training_status():
global is_training
if is_training:
return "Training in progress"
return "No training in progress"
Those are the functions that simulates the training and try to cancel the process.
Any advice in this regard? In future, the training will be a whole different script that will grab data from a data base and it will train an AI, but such a script is not yet written, this is just me trying to implement what I was requested to do hehehe
I tried different solutions, none of the seem to be working, when I want to cancel the process it still runs until the end, I am sure there might be a solution, but this is definetely out of my knowledge for now