Not redirecting to correct template

So I am practicing django cbvs and I am using update veiw to update model data and I created a button which is suppose to redirect to the form to update but it is showing me the same template page with jst url updated and id infront of it. I have django 1.11.25 installed currently heres my app url and views and the details page:


from django.conf.urls import url
from Cbvs_app import views

app_name = 'Cbvs_app'

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'(?P<pk>\d+)/$',views.School_Detail.as_view(),name='details'), # it simply grabs the primary key provided in href and displays corresponding detail view to the primary key
   # print("Registering SchoolUpdateView URL"),


class School_Create(CreateView): # my create view is working fine
    fields = ('name','principal','location')
    model = models.School
    template_name = "Cbvs_app/school_form.html"

class SchoolUpdateView(UpdateView):
    fields = ("name","principal")
    model = models.School
    template_name = "Cbvs_app/school_form.html"


{% extends "Cbvs_app/Cbvs_app_basic.html" %}
{% block body_block %}

<div class="jumbotron">
    <h1>Welcome to detail of all schools</h1>
    <h2>School details: </h2>
    <p>Name: {{ }}</p>
    <p>Principal: {{school_detail.principal }}</p>
    <p>Location: {{school_detail.location }}</p>

    {% for student in school_detail.students.all %}
        <p>{{}} who is {{student.age}} years old.</p>
    {% endfor %}

    <p>Id: {{}}</p>

    <p><a class='btn btn-warning' href="{% url 'Cbvs_app:update' %}">Update</a></p>


{% endblock %}

I tried to print in the console but the printing statments threw error i also tried changing the html file names but it didnt affect i also tried adding template_name variable. if you have any suggestions regarding or documentation please answer or leave a comment

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