Django + JS : value with double curly braces not sent to a JS function. Others are OK [closed]

I display with a loop many shipping services available for a given order on a page containing all my orders.

{% for serv in %}
    <input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="service{{}}" value="{{}}" ismulti="{{serv.is_multiparcel}}" checked>
        {% if order.weight > serv.max_weight %}
            <div class="form-text badge bg-danger" name="weight-alert">Poids commande > max. service {{serv.max_weight}} kg</div>
                disableCheckCauseWeight("service{{ }}", "{{}}");
 {% endfor %}

One of these services can be selected with a radio button and is identified by 2 prameters : service{{}} and {{}}. Both of them are well displaying in my html code:

<input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="service639" value="9" ismulti="True" checked="">

Later in my code, for each loop, I call a JS function for disabling the given service if the order's weight is higher than the weight accepted by the service.

But, {{}} isn't sent to disableCheckCauseWeight()function, despite it's well displayed above in value="{{}}". A console log shows well service{{}} but not {{}}. I tried with other values like {{}}or "tintin" or any other variable, and it's ok.

Why do I have this issue with {{}} ?


Here's the JS function called :

function disableCheckCauseWeight(servOrder, servPk) {         
    console.log(servOrder + servPk);
    let service = document.querySelector(`input[name="${servOrder}"][value="${servPk}]"`);
    service.checked = false;         
    service.disable = true;
    service.classList.add = 'text-muted';     }
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