Spotify API 403 Forbidden Error When Adding Tracks to Playlist Despite Correct Token and Scopes
I'm experiencing a 403 Forbidden error when trying to add a track to a Spotify playlist using the Spotify Web API. Despite having a correctly configured token and permissions, I’m still facing this issue.
- Spotify Client ID: My client ID
- Spotify Client Secret: Client Secrete
- Redirect URI:
Access Token Details:
"access_token": "my access token",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"refresh_token": "my refresh token",
"scope": "playlist-modify-private playlist-modify-public playlist-read-private playlist-read-collaborative",
"expires_at": 1725396428
Error Log:
INFO 2024-09-03 20:16:02,097 cron Distributing 1 playlists to job scheduled at 2024-09-03 20:47:02.097874 for Order ID 28.
INFO 2024-09-03 20:16:02,100 cron Adding track 0TT2Tzi8mEETCqYZ1ffiHh to playlist 4CeTjVTCZOFzTBdO8yaLvG
ERROR 2024-09-03 20:16:02,557 cron Spotify API error:
Check settings on, the user may not be registered.
ERROR 2024-09-03 20:16:02,558 cron Check if the user 31rizduwj674dch67g22bjqy7sue is correctly registered and has permissions to modify the playlist.
What I’ve Tried
1- Verified Token Scopes:
The token includes scopes playlist-modify-private playlist-modify-public playlist-read-private playlist-read-collaborative
2- Checked Token Validity: The token is valid and has not expired. I also attempted to refresh it.
3- Confirmed Playlist Ownership: Ensured that the playlist is either owned by or shared with the user whose token is being used.
4- Re-authenticated: Re-authenticated and re-authorized the application to confirm there are no issues with authentication.
5- API Endpoint & Request Format: Verified that the API endpoint and request format conform to the Spotify API documentation.
6- User Permissions: Confirmed that the user has the necessary permissions to modify the playlist.
1- Is there any additional configuration or setting I might be missing on the Spotify Developer Dashboard?
2- Could the issue be related to specific permissions or configurations for the playlist or user account?
3- Are there other common issues or troubleshooting steps for resolving 403 Forbidden errors with the Spotify API?
Environment Details:
- Django latest
- Spotipy for Spotify OAuth
- Python 3.12
- Ubuntu 22.04
Request sample - Curl:
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 1POdFZRZbvb...qqillRxMr2z' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"uris": [
"position": 0
Any assistance or suggestions to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.