Django tutorial - no tables created? [closed]
In the Django tutorial "Writing your first Django app", part 2 starts off with Database Setup. I'm supposed to run a command to make tables, then it says "if I'm interested", I can use sqlite3 terminal to see those tables. Unfortunately, I can't see anything.
It has me run 'py migrate', which it tells me will create tables for the default applications (admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions, messages, staticfiles). When I use the sqlite3 terminal, I'm able to see a database (.databases returns {main: "" r/w}), but no tables (.tables returns nothing, just goes to the next terminal entry line). I'm doing .cd [to the directory where the db.sqlite3 file is], then running .tables on the next line.
Am I doing something wrong with either seeing the tables in sqlite3 terminal or creating them in with the django migrate command? Any help in making sense of this mismatch in what I see vs what the tutorial tells me I should see would be much appreciated.