Django makemigrations not making migrations for my app

Full disclosure. This is for my github project warehauser which can be found at:

If you download it and follow the INSTALL file instructions it says to

python makemigrations

But when that is done it does not make the migrations for the core app. 'core' is included in the warehauser/settings.oy INSTALLED_APPS setting. The 'core' app/directory is in the project base directory.

If I go:

python makemigrations core

It picks up the core app and makes the migrations. But I want to know why it is not working without specifying the core app explicitly.

I attempted:

(venv) D:\project\warehauser\>python makemigrations

And expected that to include making migrations for core app.

I attempted:

(venv) D:\project\warehauser\>python makemigrations core

And that worked. But I need the first command to work for the core app.

I don't know why it's happened to you, but try this in you INSTALLED_APPS:

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