Create content page - filter queryset by foreignkey and render the result to Django templates -

Trying to render this structure (tree structure):

 Book_1's Chapters
 Book_2's Chapters

specific example:

book:To Kill a Mockingbird
 itschapter:Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the Finch's
 itschapter:Chapter 2 - The Adventures of Education
book:The Sweet Hereafter
 itschapter:Chapter 1 - Dolores Driscoll
 itschapter:Chapter 2 - Billy Ansel

I have two Django models (tables) for just that:

two tables with id and name columns.

# myApp/
from django.db import models

# books table #
class books_DB(models.Model):
  #pk is book_id
  book_id = models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')
  book_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

# chapters table #
class chapters_DB(models.Model):
  #pk is chapter_id
  chapter_id = models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')
  #foreign key 'book_id' from 'books_DB' 
  book_id = models.ForeignKey(textbooks_DB, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=None)
  chapter_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

I tested how to get this structure in python shell

from .models import *

for x in books_DB.objects.all():
 for y in x.chapters_db_set.all():
   print(' ' + y.chapter_name)
To Kill a Mockingbird
 The Beginning of the Finch's
 The Adventures of Education
The Sweet Hereafter
 Dolores Driscoll
 Billy Ansel

Now I wish to render the result to a page like this

<ul class="books">

 <li class="book">To Kill a Mockingbird</li>
   <ol class="chapters">
      <li class="chapter">The Beginning of the Finch's</li>
      <li class="chapter">The Adventures of Education</li>

 <li class="book">The Sweet Hereafter</li>
   <ol class="chapters">
      <li class="chapter">Dolores Driscoll</li>
      <li class="chapter">Billy Ansel</li>


I tried

<ul class="books">

    <!-- all_books is books_DB.objects.all() -->
    {% for x in all_books %}
    <li class="book">{{ x.book_name }}</li>
    <ol class="chapters">
        {% for y in x.chapter_db_set.all %}
            <li class="chapter">{{ y.chapter_name }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}


which gives

book:To Kill a Mockingbird
book:The Sweet Hereafter

so the inner for loop for chapters returns nothing

        {% for y in x.chapter_db_set.all %}
            <li class="chapter">{{ y.chapter_name }}</li>
        {% endfor %}

but I can't seem to figure out how to use _set.all() in a template within {% %} tags and should I. Or even how to pass data filtered in to the page the right way in this scenario.


your html structure seems a bit wrong.

it should be like this:

        <p>First numbered Item</p>
            <li>one thing</li>
            <li>two things</li>
            <li>three things</li>
        <p>Second numbered Item</p>
            <li>one thing</li>
            <li>two things</li>
            <li>Three things</li>

so inner ol tag is part of outer li tag


<ul class="books">

    <!-- all_books is books_DB.objects.all() -->
    {% for x in all_books %}
    <li class="book">
    <p>{{ x.book_name }}</p>
    <ol class="chapters">
        {% for y in x.chapter_db_set.all %}
            <li class="chapter">{{ y.chapter_name }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
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