Could not parse some characters: |(total/4)||floatformat:2
{% with data.marks1|add:data.marks2|add:data.marks3|add:data.marks4 as total %}
{{ (total/4)|floatformat:2 }}
{% endwith %}
I am making a simple crud application in Django and em repeatedly getting this error.
Anything I do does not resolve this error
The error occurs because of the use of the pipe symbol | within the with tag, which Django's template engine cannot parse correctly in that context. Here's how you can fix the issue:
#create a custom filter template:
In your templatetags directory (if you don’t have one, create it), add a new file, e.g.,
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def div(value, arg):
return float(value) / float(arg)
except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
return None
# Now load the custom filter in your tempalte
{% load math_filters %}
{% with total=data.marks1|add:data.marks2|add:data.marks3|add:data.marks4 %}
{{ total|div:"4"|floatformat:2 }}
{% endwith %}