Получение ошибки Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource error while depolye django project with apache and mod_wsgi
Вот моя ошибка из error_log:
\[Fri Mar 22 16:00:09.035343 2024\] \[wsgi:info\] \[pid 63294:tid 63294\] mod_wsgi (pid=63896): Process 'swpdoc' has died, deregister and restart it.
\[Fri Mar 22 16:00:09.035428 2024\] \[wsgi:info\] \[pid 63294:tid 63294\] mod_wsgi (pid=63896): Process 'swpdoc' terminated by signal 1
\[Fri Mar 22 16:00:09.035443 2024\] \[wsgi:info\] \[pid 63294:tid 63294\] mod_wsgi (pid=63896): Process 'swpdoc' has been deregistered and will no longer be monitored.
\[Fri Mar 22 16:00:09.036602 2024\] \[wsgi:info\] \[pid 63897:tid 63897\] mod_wsgi (pid=63897): Starting process 'swpdoc' with uid=48, gid=48 and threads=15.
\[Fri Mar 22 16:00:09.039512 2024\] \[wsgi:info\] \[pid 63897:tid 63897\] mod_wsgi (pid=63897): Python home /opt/Production/swpdoc/venv311.
\[Fri Mar 22 16:00:09.039593 2024\] \[wsgi:info\] \[pid 63897:tid 63897\] mod_wsgi (pid=63897): Initializing Python.
Python path configuration:
``` `PYTHONHOME = '/opt/Production/swpdoc/venv311'
PYTHONPATH = (not set)
program name = 'python3'
isolated = 0
environment = 1
user site = 1
safe_path = 0
import site = 1
is in build tree = 0
stdlib dir = '/opt/Production/swpdoc/venv311/lib64/python3.11'
sys._base_executable = '/usr/bin/python3'
sys.base_prefix = '/opt/Production/swpdoc/venv311'
sys.base_exec_prefix = '/opt/Production/swpdoc/venv311'
sys.platlibdir = 'lib64'
sys.executable = '/usr/bin/python3'
sys.prefix = '/opt/Production/swpdoc/venv311'
sys.exec_prefix = '/opt/Production/swpdoc/venv311'
sys.path = [
Вот мой httpd.conf
WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/Production/swpdoc/techdocsweb/swpdoc/wsgi.py
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
<Directory /opt/Production/swpdoc/techdocsweb/swpdoc>
<Files wsgi.py>
Require all granted
LogLevel info
WSGIVerboseDebugging On
WSGIDaemonProcess swpdoc python-home=/opt/Production/swpdoc/venv311 python-path=/opt/Production/swpdoc/techdocsweb
WSGIProcessGroup swpdoc`
I am using apache : apache as user and group. Any help will be appriciated.
I already tried giving chmod -R 755 /opt/Production/swpdoc and chown -R apache:apache /opt/Production/swpdoc